ZikaPLAN works closely with two other European Union-funded consortia, ZIKAction and ZIKAlliance, to establish a Latin American and Caribbean network. This network will address the broader issue of building local capacity in Latin America to prepare for and rapidly launch a large-scale research response to emerging infectious disease threats. The three consortia share common bodies for the global management of scientific programs, communication, and ethical, regulatory and legal issues.

About ZIKAction

ZIKActionThe ZIKAction research consortium brings together 14 partners across South and Central America, the Caribbean and Europe with the complementary goals of 1) developing a multidisciplinary multinational ready-to-act network capable of rapidly addressing any maternal and paediatric research need arising from (re-)emerging infectious diseases including Zika virus and 2) conducting an interdisciplinary programme of research studies within this network to address key knowledge gaps relating to ZIKV epidemiology, natural history and pathogenesis, with a particular emphasis on maternal and child health. ZIKAction is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme and will collaborate on key activities with two other EC funded consortia (ZikaPLAN and ZIKAction).

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About ZIKAlliance

ZIKAllianceZIKAlliance is a multinational and multi-disciplinary research consortium comprised of 52 partners worldwide and coordinated by Inserm, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research. ZIKAlliance is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. The project will investigate clinical, fundamental, environmental and social aspects of ZIKV infection. In particular, ZIKAlliance will focus on the impact of ZIKV infection during pregnancy and the natural history of ZIKV in humans and their environment. In collaboration with two other EC funded consortia (ZikaPLAN and ZIKAction), ZIKAlliance will also work on the development of a preparedness platform in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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